NCS Will be closed Friday Feb 10 for all school activities due to the snow. Our Open House will not be held and will be rescheduled.


/Kara Rapp

About Kara Rapp

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So far Kara Rapp has created 469 blog entries.

Don’t miss the re-enrollment deadline!

Friday, January 30th - Re-enrollment Forms are due.

CCG Postponed

Due to missed school days because of the storm, the students have not had enough time to practice for CCG this Friday.  We are rescheduling it for Friday, February 13th, at 9:30 am.  This Friday, January 30th, we will have chapel at the regular time, but it will include a special send-off [...]

Covenant Community Gathering

Don't forget to join us for another great event! Friday, January 30th is our Covenant Community Gathering at 9:30 am, you won't want to miss it!

Faculty Meeting

Wednesday,  January 21st - Noon Dismissal - Faculty Meeting  

Explore New Covenant School This Year!

2015 Open House Schedule Elementary Program Saturday, Jan. 10, 2015, 9 to 11 AM Friday Feb.6, 2015, 9 to 11 AM Friday, Mar. 27, 2015, 9 to 11 AM Wednesday, Apr. 15, 2015, 9 to 11 AM Preschool Program Saturday, Jan. 10, 2015, 9 to 11 AM Friday, Feb. 6, [...]

Friday, December 19th – Caroling at Sunrise Assisted Living – 1:30 pm

All parents and siblings are welcome to join us for caroling at Sunrise Assisted Living.  You can either meet us there at 1:30, or walk over with us at 1:10.

Wednesday, December 17th – Christmas at New Covenant School – 7:00 pm

PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A FULL DAY OF SCHOOL. This year our program includes singing, music, drama, and puppets. Every student in the school has a part in the performance. We need refreshments for the large number of people who attend this event, so we are asking each family to [...]

Christmas Vacation – December 20th – January 4th. School resumes on January 5th

Wednesday, December 3rd Noon Dismissal – Professional Development

Wednesday, December 3rd – Opening of Second Term Ceremony

Dress Code is dresses, skirts, nice pants for girls; ties, collared shirts, and nice pants for boys.