NCS Will be closed Friday Feb 10 for all school activities due to the snow. Our Open House will not be held and will be rescheduled.


/Kara Rapp

About Kara Rapp

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So far Kara Rapp has created 469 blog entries.

February 12th – Parent Prayer at 8:15 am in the Fellowship Hall

Thursday, February 8th- In school Open House 9 – 11 am

Please spread the word to any families for whom NCS may be God’s provision for their children’s education.

Thursday, February 1, 7:00 pm at NCS Information Seminar for NCS families and those interested in pursuing private education.

“Counting the Cost: Affording Private and Elementary and Secondary Education” – Michael Landers, NCS Board of Trustees Chairman, will share practical information and strategies for affording private school and walk through the financial aid process including showing various income examples to bust myths about eligibility and affordability. With re-enrollment and [...]

Wednesday, January 31st – Noon Dismissal for Professional Development

Tuesday, January 30th – Information Night 7:00 pm.

This evening event is a great opportunity for families who would like to come and hear about our school.

Saturday, January 27th – Open House – 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Monday, January 22nd – Parent Prayer 8:15 am in the Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, January 23rd – Parent Meeting

At this meeting, we’ll be giving a mid-year report on how we’re doing academically, including how our students did as a group on the standardized math test they took in November. You’ll hear expedition updates as well. We’ll give you a sense for the spiritual growth of the children that we’ve [...]

Wednesday, January 17th – Noon Dismissal Professional Development

Monday, January 15th – Martin Luther King Day No School