The mission of New Covenant School is to equip students to follow Jesus and serve in his kingdom by grounding them in godly wisdom and love and by training them to excel in a life of learning, leadership, and service.
At New Covenant School we think that the purpose of “an education” is to form children in wisdom and love. An educational process that does not intentionally aim at wisdom and love is short-changing children.
We believe wisdom is not about the control or explanation of life, but has more to do with the capacity to live life truly and well: cooperatively, not competitively; in interdependence instead of independence; valuing responsibility more highly than personal choice. Wisdom discerns the important from the urgent, the genuine from the counterfeit, and the long-term good from the short-term gain.
To be a healthy human being requires us to learn to live in love toward God, who is Love, and toward our neighbor. Like wisdom, love must be intentionally pursued and deliberately developed.
Our students commute from over 20 towns in the Greater Boston area. Our families come from many different religious backgrounds as well, but all are united in their allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ and to demonstrating the reality of His Kingdom in our daily lives.